Skatteguru CSV format

The Skatteguru CSV format is a custom format designed to make it easy to import data from anywhere to

Use this for any generic needs - e.g. if you need to include trades for SPOT from Computershare before the IPO, or if you need to include transfers between brokers - if you transferred SPOT shares from ETrade to Avanza, or if you traded SPOT shares on the stock exchange in another broker.


The separator is a comma , here, but you can use a semicolon ; or a tab \t or a pipe | if you prefer.

2017-05-25,Computershare,ESOP_EXERCISE,SPOT,1,27447,SEK,Exercise of stock options (before the 40:1 split) - including fees and benefit tax
2017-09-08,Computershare,ESOP_EXERCISE,SPOT,1,32849,SEK,Exercise of stock options (before the 40:1 split) - including fees and benefit tax
2018-01-05,Computershare,ESOP_EXERCISE,SPOT,1,14876,SEK,Exercise of stock options (before the 40:1 split) - including fees and benefit tax
2018-03-01,Computershare,TRANSFER,SPOT,-120,0,USD,Transfer to ETrade
2018-03-01,ETrade,TRANSFER,SPOT,120,0,USD,Transfer from Computershare to ETrade (virtual event)
2019-02-06,ETrade,TRANSFER,SPOT,-120,0,USD,Transfer from ETrade to Avanza (manually requested)

If you paste text into the textarea on the Import form, you can paste tabular data directly from Excel or Google Sheets, as long as you include the required columns.



  • Date: The date of the event (ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2022-12-31)
  • Type: See the list of event types below
  • Quantity: The quantity of shares for the event (e.g. 100, -100)
  • Currency: The currency for any monetary values (e.g. SEK, USD)


  • Account: The account or a custom name where the event took place (e.g. Computershare, ETrade, Avanza)
  • Symbol: The symbol of the security (e.g. SPOT - useful if you have multiple securities)
  • Total: The total amount of the event (e.g. the total cost of a trade, the total sale price, etc.)
  • Description: A custom description of the event

Event Types:

  • BUY: Purchase (Quantity: > 0, Total: the total cost of the purchase, > 0)

  • SELL: Sale (Quantity: < 0, Total: the total sale price, > 0)

  • TRANSFER: Transfer between accounts (Quantity: the number of shares to be transferred; < 0 for outgoing, > 0 for incoming)

  • ESOP_EXERCISE: Exercise of Employee Stock Options (Quantity: > 0)

  • RSU_VESTING: Vesting of Restricted Stock Units (Quantity: > 0)

Note: Transferring to an ISK (Investment Savings Account) is a taxable event in Sweden, and you should include it as a SELL event, not a TRANSFER event.

Premium Event Types - currently not supported for free users:

  • STOCK_SPLIT: Stock Split (Quantity: the number of shares to be added)
  • REVERSE_STOCK_SPLIT: Reverse Stock Split (Quantity: the number of shares to be removed)
  • RIGHTS_ISSUE: Rights Issue
  • BONUS_ISSUE: Bonus Issue
  • REDEMPTION: Redemption
  • SPIN_OFF: Spin-off
  • FISSION: Fission
  • COST: Special cost events to adjust the cost basis (Total should be the total cost of the event. We use the absolute value in case you enter a negative value.)

SPOT note

If you have trades from before the IPO, you can include them in the CSV file as they were, and we will automatically add the 40:1 split for SPOT shares on the correct date.


đŸ€– SkattevĂ€rk1.0 knows how to create the Skatteguru CSV format.