Document requirements

What documents do I need to upload?

We currently assume that you have traded Spotify shares in ETrade, since that's the use case for our beta.


  1. Trade Confirmations: Download all your Trade Confirmations from ETrade. Step by step guide.

  2. Stock Plan Confirmations: Download all your Restricted Stock and Stock Options Stock Plan Confirmations from ETrade. Step by step guide.

Verify for yourself that you have downloaded every document for all years since the time when you first acquired your first stock, even if you have at some point sold all your shares. (If you know what you are doing, it's fine to only upload the documents since the last time you sold all your shares, but it's safer to upload everything if you have it. That will also confirm that your previous years' tax declarations were correct.)

If you haven't traded Spotify shares in other brokers, this is all that is required.

Can I just upload the Gains & Losses or Benefit History exports?

For some users, the Gains & Losses or Benefit History exports may be sufficient. We recommend that you also upload the Trade Confirmations and Stock Plan Confirmations, since the Gains & Losses and Benefit History exports may omit certain trades. We are aware of at least one scenario where relying on the Gains & Losses or Benefit History exports alone resulted in several thousand SEK in unnecessary taxes. It is a hassle to download several PDFs, but it may be worth it.

We highly recommend that you use a bulk download tool if you have more than ~20 PDFs to download - the likelihood of mistakes if you do it manually is high, and you will just waste a lot of time.

Here is a guide on how to download them all in bulk (external link).

Multi-broker trades with the same asset

If you are using multiple brokers, we help you calculate your average acquisition cost across all of them. The average acquisition cost is calculated based on all trades of the same asset (ISIN or symbol), regardless of broker or account. If you have traded the same asset in other brokers such as ETrade and Avanza (or Nordnet), export and upload the CSVs for these trades as well, in order to calculate your correct average acquisition cost.

You can paste CSV exports from Avanza and Nordnet (currently untested) in the textarea or save it to a .csv file and import it. Trades from ISK, KF and TJP accounts must NOT be included in any calculations. These account types are tax-deferred / tax-exempt and not relevant for capital gains tax calculations.

Note: Right now you can only work with a single asset (stock) at a time. If you have traded multiple assets, you need to wait for our Pro plan where we will support multiple assets in the same workspace.

Payslips and bank statements

Analysis of payslips and bank statements is currently not fully supported on the Free plan. However, you will get a good enough cost basis based for your tax declaration based on the ETrade documents. If you require 100% precise calculations, choose a plan with support, or export our analysis into your own spreadsheet and adjust it manually.

How do I upload documents?

  1. Log in: Log in to your account.
  2. Upload documents: Go to the dashboard and upload your documents. You can upload multiple documents at once either by dragging and dropping them or by clicking the "Select files" button. You can also drag and drop a folder with all your documents into the folder area.

We currently support ETrade files, Avanza CSV exports, Nordnet CSV exports (not yet tested in the wild), and Skatteguru CSV format for generic use cases.

Automatic currency conversion

We automatically convert all trades to SEK using the exchange rate at the time of the trade. If you have traded a stock in a currency other than SEK, you do not need to manually convert the trades. We will do it for you as long as we know the currency of the trade.

Right now we only support USD and SEK, and we use the official exchange rate from the Swedish Riksbank. If a trade happens on a day that has no exchange rate, we use the exchange rate from the previous trading day.

We may add more currencies in the future if needed. Let us know if you need support for other currencies and we will consider adding them.

Automatic stock splits

We automatically add any known stock splits to your trades. If you have traded a stock that has had a stock split, you do not need to manually adjust your trades. We will do it for you. Note: We currently only support stock splits for a small number of stocks - currently only SPOT (Spotify), but we are working on adding more when needed. If you have traded a stock that has had a stock split, please contact us and we will add it for you.